Decoding Images- #FreeTheNipple

This week, I am going to analyze an image that some would consider controversial, since the movement is definitely thought of in that way. #FreeTheNipple began in December of 2014 and it is a feminist movement aiming to desexualize women’s bodies. Some find this to be empowering, while some are offended by it. The image I chose is of two topless women, one holding a sign and the other with writing on her chest. Both read the same message; “GIRLS JUST WANNA HAVE FUN-DAMENTAL HUMAN RIGHTS”. The quote definitely relates to the movement, as men are able to be shirtless in public but women are not. It is strange to many people that it is socially acceptable for men but women get slut shamed for it even though the anatomy is the same. Women’s bodies, especially their breasts, have been sexualized for the male gaze since the beginning of time, really. Today, girls are trying to change that by “freeing the nipple”. Some have been accepting of this movement and allowing women to display their bodies in whichever way they see fit; the feminist view. Others are having a harder time getting over the age old perception of women’s bodies being there for the sexual pleasure of men, therefore making breasts something that should stay covered. Social norms have made this movement controversial the social norms are difficult to break. Personally, regardless of this movement and other movements like it, I believe that no one has the right to have an opinion on how someone presents themselves and their body. The only person that owns your body is yourself, so treat it and show it the way you see fit and let others do the same.


  1. I love this image! The controversial nature of it makes it hard NOT to spark discussion and debate on the issue. It makes me happy to see people getting involved and standing behind this movement because I think it’s definitely an important step we as a society have to take to achieve equality between genders. Your argument is well backed by research and so passionately written in a way which engages the reader and really inspired me.
    I’m not sure if you know about Scout Willis’ protest against Instagram’s nudity policy, but I found it really interesting if you want to give it a read. I also thought it may be helpful to add an article like this to your post for the reader to get some further insight into the topic.
    Great work!

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  2. Hey Emily! I agree that the Free the Nipple movement is quite interesting and controversial. Looking back on how women’s bodies are sexualized so much more than a mans can be quite infuriating. What are your thoughts on public breast feeding? I feel like this is something that was frequently brought up with the movement as well saying that a woman’s ability to provide food and nourishment for a newborn should not be overtaken by another individuals hyper sexualization of the female body. If you don’t want to see something, don’t look. It is also your own personal choice if you view the human body in a sexual way even in situations with no sexual connotation.

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  3. I absolutely adore the image choice that you have decided to interpret! I personally feel very passionate about deregulating gender bias ideas, and what a better way to start than with nipples, something that we all as humans have! I like the way that you include the feminist view of interpretation in contrast to the shaming views. I think that it is really important to focus on these polar opposite views on the issue like you have in this post, because in reality there really is no in between. I also appreciate you inclusion of how “it is strange to many people” as it shows that we are in a progressive society and every day we are recognising the need to change gender stereotypes.

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